1-on-1 physical therapy or wellness sessions in your home or virtually.
Serving the Tri-Valley Bay Area:
Livermore, Pleasanton, & Dublin
Is your baby experiencing:
Difficulty with tummy time?
Difficulty in meeting milestones?
(ex. rolling, sitting, crawling, or walking)
Issues with head shape or flatness (plagiocephaly, brachiocephaly)?
Physical Therapy Initial Evaluation
Embrace the ease of personalized care from the comfort of your home! As your in-home pediatric physical therapist, I'll visit you and your baby to provide a warm, supportive environment for growth.
We’ll chat about your concerns and observations. I'll closely observe and evaluate your baby's motor skills and development, creating a personalized understanding of their unique needs. Togethers we’ll collaborate on a personalized plan of care. This roadmap ensures that each step aligns with your child's needs and milestones.
Physical Therapy Follow-Up Sessions
During our follow-up visits I will work one on one with your child to address the areas of concern. You or another caregiver are present to observe, ask questions, and practice the recommended activities.
So much of your child’s progress depends on what happens outside of therapy, so visits are typically 1 hour so that we are able to really take the time to problem solve, set up the baby’s environment, practice skills, and ensure that you’re confident with implementing the activities.
Wellness Sessions
Tummy Time Coaching Session
Concerned about your baby’s tummy time journey?
We'll connect, either in person or virtually, to work together on a solution. From discussing optimal positioning to creating a nurturing environment and choosing the right toys, we've got it covered.
Milestone Check & Play Session
Whether you’re seeking peace of mind or a little extra support, we're here for you!
Let's connect, either in person or virtually, to discuss purposeful play activities and strategies to set up your child's environment for optimal skill development. Our goal is to ensure you and your baby are on the right track.
Head Shape Help Coaching Session
As a caring parent, I understand your concerns about your baby's head shape.
We'll discuss concerns, answer questions, and I’ll walk you through how to screen your baby’s head shape and check for neck tightness. Then I’ll provide guidance through the available options for managing and improving your baby's head shape.
Infant Massage
Learning how to perform infant massage is such a gift you can give yourself and your baby.
From enhanced digestion, improved sleep, improved feeding and weight gain, infant massage provides a sense of security and love between you and baby. I offer a variety of ways you can learn these techniques.
Family Testimonials
Rhea Schmidt, PT, DPT
Hi. My name is Rhea Schmidt. I am a pediatric physical therapist, mom of 2, and Livermore local. I believe that every child deserves a strong start.